Fire Safety Regulations for European Vacation Rentals

Property Manager and Host Tips
Fire Safety Regulations for European Vacation Rentals

As a short-term rental property owner, you must make sure that your property is safe. In addition to complying with fire regulations, following good fire protection practices will help you ensure the safety of your guests. Addressing fire safety involves the use of technology and processes to prevent, detect, and address the risks of fire on your property.  

Start With a Fire Risk Assessment

To comply with short-term rental fire safety rules, you’ll start by getting a fire risk assessment for every property you own. To do this, you’ll have to hire a professional inspection company to perform the assessment. Local fire and rescue authorities may recommend specific organisations to provide the assessment.

The inspector will examine any factors that affect fire safety in Europe. They will look for fire hazards, such as faulty wiring, and behaviours that might raise the risk of a fire. Even if you do not fail the assessment, the inspector might recommend installing equipment or changing the operation of your business to create a safer environment.

You will need a new fire risk assessment each year. After completing the assessment, the inspector will provide you with a certificate. Make sure you post the certificate in a visible location inside the vacation rental.

Install Fire Detection Systems

Every vacation rental fire safety plan includes the use of fire detection equipment. Primarily, this involves installing smoke detectors throughout the vacation rental property. There should be one detector inside every bedroom and an additional detector on each floor. 

Some rooms in the rental require separate detectors. Make sure there is a smoke detector in the kitchen, and position it three metres from cooking appliances. Install detectors in the basement and attic as well. All of the detectors should connect to one system, ensuring they will all activate at the same time. Use smoke detectors with flashing lights to alert guests with hearing impairments.

Provide Easy Access to Fire Escape Routes

Your vacation rental fire safety plan must address the need for a safe escape for your staff and guests. Install security lighting that will activate even if the fire causes a power outage. In addition, post emergency exit signs near doors and windows that can provide a prompt escape. 

Doors must have fire ratings that give 30 minutes of fire and heat protection. A door with the proper fire rating will ensure anyone can safely open the door within 30 minutes of the start of the fire. Installing thumb-turn locks on exit doors will prevent delays in opening the doors.

Once you install the necessary fire escape features in your short-term rental, keep up with the maintenance of this equipment. After each guest departs, inspect emergency lighting, fire escape doors, smoke detectors, and other equipment. Promptly repair any items that seem damaged or defective. 

Keeping your vacation rental fire safety equipment in good condition is essential for everyone’s safety. If you discover that a guest damaged this equipment, file a prompt policy claim with CoverCat. Your insurance policy will help you repair or replace damaged equipment speedily.

Annual Inspections to Keep Your Short-Term Rental Safer

In addition to having a fire risk assessment, you should schedule a variety of inspections to maintain vacation rental fire safety. Each property must undergo an electrical system inspection every five years. The inspection will evaluate the condition of your wiring, electrical panel, outlets, fixtures, and other electrical equipment.

Your properties will also need heating system inspections every fall to ensure the safe use of the equipment. The inspector will look at your water heater, furnace, and related components to identify fuel leaks and other potential hazards.

Short-term rentals seem cozier when they have a fireplace. Unfortunately, this feature increases your responsibility for maintenance. You must have the chimney flue swept and cleaned each year. When you schedule a roof inspection, make sure the roofer reports on the condition of the chimney.

Install Fire Suppression Equipment

Following the best practices for fire safety will help you remain legally compliant. More importantly, good vacation rental fire safety will help you protect your staff and guests. In addition to using fire detection equipment, you must use fire suppression technology. Sufficient suppression equipment will protect your property as well as ensure your guests stay safe.

The two most common types of fire sprinkler systems for use in short-term rentals are wet and dry systems. A wet system stores water in the pipes for faster activation when heat trips the system’s sensors. The sprinkler heads activate individually, preventing unnecessary water damage.

A dry system is better for properties in climates where freezing temperatures could cause wet systems to form ice. A dry system uses gas or air to keep the pipes active. Once activated, the system pushes the gas out through the sprinkler heads. The flow of water follows the gas or air to the sprinkler heads.

The rules for fire protection in Europe also require the accessibility of manual fire extinguishers in short-term rentals. In most situations, you only need one fire extinguisher on each floor. The extinguisher should be visible and easily accessible. It should have a minimum of 3 kg of the extinguishing agent.

Larger rentals with 10 or more guests require fire extinguishers every 100 metres. Additionally, there must be an extinguisher on each floor. Every extinguisher must have 6 kg of the extinguishing agent.

All of your fire detection and suppression equipment must undergo annual inspections and testing. You will need an experienced and certified fire protection company to perform the tests and inspections. These services are necessary to ensure the sprinkler system, extinguishers, detectors, and other equipment remain in operable condition.

Recover Faster With Comprehensive Insurance

Even after you take steps to keep your properties safe and secure, you’ll want the peace of mind that comes with full insurance protection. CoverCat provides insurance for short-term rental properties. We’ll help you design a policy that protects your properties from damage and theft. Learn more about our insurance coverage when you contact us.

CoverCat’s Short-Term Rental Protection

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Joop Korver, Executive Director of Insurance at CoverCat, brings nearly 30 years of expertise in insurance distribution throughout Europe.

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